Binding Spell
You can use this spell for any problem. No matter what it is. You choose a color of yarn to suit your purpose. You can adjust the spell to your situation.
You will need for this spell a piece of yarn in a suitable color that is at least 12-inches long.
Simply hold the yarn with an end in each hand and pull it taut. Think about your problem. Concentrate on your difficult situation and start tying knots in the yarn. Visualize all of your troubles getting bound in the knots and trapping them there. Keep tying the knots until you feel that it’s enough.
Take the knotted yarn outside and bury it! This will keep your specific problem away!
Notes: This spell works best with only one problem at a time. So, only do one problem for each piece of yarn. You can choose a different color of yarn for each situation as long as it’s a suitable color for the problem. This color can be 100% chosen by you.
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