A little bit of information about the color red
To start, red is the first color of the rainbow. Did you know that? Red is also one of the most potent colors for magic. It can invoke strong impressions (positive and negative), depending on the circumstances, and it’s by far not a “neutral” color.
Red can be a color of rage, for instance when someone says they see red. But red is also a color of roses which are symbolic of passion and love. Red is not a subtle color by any means!
Red is relatable to survival at a basic physical level. It’s connected with the root chakra and it’s related to issues of safety, survival, instinct, borders, and boundaries. It’s also the color of blood and the human heart. It’s also related to strength, vitality, good health, and do what needs to be done to thrive and survive.
Red can be considered masculine and its energy can be utilized for rituals and spells related to lust and male sexual potency.
Red candles can add power to spell work, they’re specifically great in spell work that is consistent with anything listed above. Red can also be used to represent the element of fire when doing rituals.
It’s connected with astrological signs Scorpio, Aries, and the Planet Mars. Its cardinal direction is South.
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